
Experts: "The role of tourism offices should go beyond tourism"

National destination management organisations (DMOs) are in a constantly changing environment. However, whether they are supporting new marketing channels and trends or trying to solve issues of tourism promotion against the background of problems of the local community, the role and priorities of DMOs have not changed over the years. According to analysts Skift Research, this approach no longer works and other mechanisms are needed for effective DMO operations, a new study suggests Destination Marketing Trends 2018.

How should tourism marketing organizations evolve today to attract more visitors to their countries without disrupting the locals' way of life? The study says they To achieve this, it is necessary to go beyond the tourism industry.

Chris Frake, President of Resonance Consultancy, agency, which actively works with the tourism industry, believes that DMOs can significantly expand their role in promoting their areas.

“DMOs need to expand their role in cities and destinations and position themselves as stewards and managers of the city brand – not just for tourism but for other areas, including culture and investment attraction. No other organisation in a destination has the funding or expertise to do this, and by taking on this role, DMOs can offer something more to the community they serve,” says the expert.

In turn, Staci Mellman, Vice President of VISIT FLORIDA I am sure that instead of regular advertising, DMO will soon must engage in influencing the development of the direction.

“I think we will see that in partnership with local leaders, developers and businesses, the DMO will influence the evolution of its purpose,” she continued.

According to the expert, DMOs should also focus not only on inbound tourists and convention participants, but also engage in close dialogue with local residents.

"DMOs often monitor visitor satisfaction with a destination, but they rarely interact with local residents. These organizations need to monitor and measure resident satisfaction," she says. Stacy Mellman.

This approach to managing the image of destinations, in her opinion, is becoming increasingly important. in countries where the problem of "overtourism" is becoming acute.

The main drivers are the growth of tourism activity, the number of low-cost flights and the volume of accommodation through booking systems. Cities experiencing a tourism boom, including Venice and Prague, are in dire need of such strategies to maintain inbound tourism at healthy but manageable levels, so that visitors have a positive rather than a disturbing impact on the quality of life of local residents.


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