
The US has proposed abandoning the concept of travel agent

The American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA) has published an open letter calling for the term “travel agent” to be abolished and replaced with "travel consultant"As Russian experts emphasize, the initiative is more than relevant - according to representatives of the tourism industry, it is high time to apply such a practice in our country.



As the authors of the letter note, today a travel agent is not just an intermediary when making a booking, but a person who is trusted, like, for example, a financial analyst.

“The term ‘consultant’ not only more accurately describes the value that ASTA members provide to consumers, it also serves as a clear statement that retailers can take the travel industry to the next level,” ASTA said.

Also in its statement, the Society of Travel Advisors called on both its partners and the broader American travel industry to support the initiative and “add their name to the growing list of organizations that have made or are in the process of transitioning from the term ‘travel agent’ to the term ‘travel advisor’.”

And here it is worth noting that the innovation of their American colleagues was assessed extremely positively by representatives of Russian retail. Thus, according to Director of the travel agency "Belmare" Diana Ferdman, our business should follow ASTA's example.

"From my point of view, this is a very good initiative. On my social media platforms, as well as in my column on the TRN portal, I have long been trying to convey one simple idea that in the modern world we need to retrain from sellers to consultants. Agencies must understand their value, must learn to sell their knowledge and feel their own importance within themselves. Tourists must understand that we do not charge money for who knows what. Clients need to be made aware that they are paying for a consultation, for knowledge, for time, for skills, for ability, for the fact that we constantly keep our finger on the pulse. A good travel agent will always tell you which tour to choose and what is better to refuse, where it is worth flying and where it is better not to go, which seat to choose on the plane. We have acquired all this knowledge over many years of working in the difficult tourism business. And this gives us the right to charge money for consultations. I am sure that we simply need to fight the stereotype in the minds of Russian citizens that a travel agent is a speculator,” says Diana Ferdman.


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