
The procedure for the creation and operation of an electronic travel voucher has been approved

The Russian government has established the procedure for the creation and operation of a unified information system for electronic travel vouchers. The relevant documents have been published on the agency's website.



Thus, Resolution No. 747 established the procedure for creation and the functioning of the electronic travel voucher system, its structure, the conditions for providing the information contained therein, and the functions of the system operator.

The information contained in the electronic travel voucher system will be provided free of charge. To receive it, the tourist will have to go through an online authentication procedure.

In turn, Resolution No. 748 approved the requirements for the use of documents in electronic form by tour operators, travel agents, tourists and other customers when selling a tourist product. It defines the information that a tourist can transfer to a tour operator or travel agent in electronic form when concluding an agreement on the sale of a tourist product in electronic form, and the methods for transferring this information.

In addition, the procedure for exchanging information in electronic form between a tour operator, travel agent, tourist and other customer when selling a tourist product has been established. Such exchange of information will be carried out through the official website of the tour operator or travel agent.

It is worth noting that the list of data that the system will contain is quite impressive. Among them are full details of the tour operator and travel agent, start and end dates of the trip, names of departure and arrival countries with specific settlements, names of the receiving parties, transportation data - more than 30 items in total. At the same time, as experts emphasize, the resolution does not contain information about which fields will ultimately be mandatory to fill out.


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