
"Yaroslavskoe Vzmorye" is a new tourist project that unites a park-hotel, a yacht club and the village of Tygydym

The Yaroslavl region is a well-promoted region on the tourist map of Russia. Yaroslavl, Uglich, Pereslavl-Zalessky. Rostov, Myshkin are the region's landmarks, well known and in demand by tourists. "Yaroslavl seaside" is such It cannot boast of popularity yet, but the rapid pace of its development allows us to talk about the excellent prospects of this project.



On the right bank of the world's largest Rybinsk reservoir, 280 km from Moscow and 40 km from Rybinsk, stands the park-hotel "Bukhta Koprino". This is the first facility built within the framework of "Yaroslavskoe Vzmorye" - the largest investment project of the Yaroslavl region, which is being developed by the "Agranta" group of companies.



The Koprino Bay Hotel is surrounded by a pine forest: the pines in the area are straight and tall, they are also called ship pines, the air is saturated with healing phytoncides and is practically sterile, and the sandy beach is located so well that vacationers can bathe in the sun all day long. Accommodation is offered in cottages of various architecture with 2-3 bedrooms, with a fireplace and a fully equipped kitchen, in cabins on the landing stage overlooking the Rybinsk Reservoir and in rooms of a small hotel. Vacationers can enjoy three restaurants and a Wellness Center, which houses an indoor 25-meter pool, a mini-pool for children, four types of saunas, a cross-shaped Jacuzzi in the open air and a gym. There is a children's club "Smile", where animators work with children. At the rental point, you can rent everything you need for a vacation - board games, balls, fishing gear, roller skates, a bicycle, an ATV and a jet ski. The hotel's partners rent out a motorboat. Outside the hotel gates there is also a pine forest, in which an 8-kilometer circular asphalt path has been laid. Hotel guests enjoy rolling kilometers here on roller skates and bicycles, and older people stroll - some leisurely, and some with walking sticks.



But there is only one sports ground on the hotel grounds - for beach volleyball. This situation will be corrected on June 26. On this day, a sports area with tennis courts and basketball, beach soccer and volleyball courts will be opened, and the Yaroslavl Region Beach Soccer Championship will be held.

According to Dmitry Rodionov, the head of the Yaroslavskoye Vzmorye project, the demand for vacations at the hotel is very high at the height of the summer season. From mid-June to August 30, there are practically no vacancies. Most of the guests are residents of the Yaroslavl region - about 50%, the rest are Muscovites and residents of other regions. The number of returning guests over the past five years has amounted to 60%. According to Rodionov, this indicates that tourists like to vacation here.

"As for plans, in addition to building new cottages and a budget hotel with 120 rooms, we are thinking of offering our guests sanatorium services. But we don't yet have a clear idea of which direction to choose," said Dmitry Fedorovich.

The Yaroslavskoye Vzmorye project is more than just the Koprino Bay Park Hotel. According to Rodionov, the project area covers 100 square kilometers and provides for its comprehensive development. Rostourism provided assistance in developing the area, allocating funds for infrastructure construction within the framework of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Domestic and Inbound Tourism in Russia. “We have used government money to gasify all of our tourist sites, build a sewage system and treatment facilities, and erect a pier that can accommodate up to four vessels of various sizes at a time,” says the head of the Yaroslavskoye Vzmorye project. “This is the first pier built on the Volga in the last 25 years.” The entrepreneurs used their own money to build a yacht club and a floating gas station, which is the only one on the Rybinsk Reservoir. According to Rodionov, more than half of the yacht club’s clients are Muscovites, who are gradually starting to move their yachts here for permanent mooring.

Partners are helping Agranta develop the territory. For example, one of them is designing and building a golf course. The first stage, the Golf Academy, will be opened this summer.

Another partner built an aeroclub on the allocated land, with a landing pad where private helicopters land.

Tygydym village



The village of Tygydym is the main attraction of the Yaroslavskoe Vzmorye project. It is located next to the Park Hotel Bukhta Koprino. Tygydym is not a real village, it is an ethnographic complex that was invented and built by former Muscovites Alexander and Olesya Mazaletsky-Degtyarev. Their 19-year-old son Vitaly helps them. The management of the Yaroslavskoe Vzmorye project acted as a partner, transferring the land into ownership and providing all kinds of assistance.

The story of their move from the city to the village is amazing. Alexander and Olesya lived in Moscow, he worked as a criminal lawyer, she dealt with arbitration courts. Over the years, mental fatigue from work accumulated, and the soul asked for a change. "The Russian hinterland, village life attracted us for a long time, and we decided to go live in the village, but not in an ordinary one, but in one that we would build with our own hands," says Alexander. They sold their apartment in Moscow and their car, and with this money in 2014 they began to build their authentic village in Poshekhonye in the Yaroslavl region, but they were deceived by the local administration. They had to look for a new place for the project. According to Alexander, they were lucky - the management of "Yaroslavskoye Vzmorye" offered to move to Koprino and provided land for ownership. They dismantled everything that was built in Poshekhonye and transported it here in August 2017.



Tygydym is a village-museum. And this name was invented by Olesya. Tygydym is an imitation of the sound of the hooves of a galloping horse. This is how the Tygydym horse appeared, and from it the name of the village came.

There are only a few houses and barns in it for now. In the shop you can see souvenirs made by the Mazaletsky-Degtyarevs for sale. Nearby is a house called a latrine. That's what they used to call a toilet in Russia. According to Olesya, a latrine museum will soon open in the latrine.

The Mazaletsky-Degtyarev family will live in a house with a turret, a copy of an old gingerbread tavern, and they will place a museum of peasant cuisine in the hut next door. In less than two years, Alexander and Olesya also managed to build a small chapel of Peter and Fevronia and a barn in the village, where a museum of carpentry and joinery is located, and they installed a lathe for the production of shingles, which was made at the factory according to their order and old drawings. There are also shopping arcades and a portomoynik, a small pond where people washed clothes in Russian villages.



The calling card of the village is the Tygydym horse named Pasha. The horse is a beauty, a Hanoverian breed, black in color. According to Olesya, he is already 18 years old, and used to compete in triathlon. He is accompanied by a young mare Malika. Together they walk around the meadow and delight guests who come to marvel at the village of Tygydym.

The Mazaletsky-Degtyarevs want to recreate everything that a 19th-century Russian village lived by in the village of Tygydym. They travel around the districts, write down old traditions and forgotten recipes of village cuisine, learn lost crafts from the elderly, and collect various household utensils. They earn money by conducting excursions and master classes, as well as by selling souvenirs. The main flow of guests is made up of tourists from motor ships. Last year, Alexander and Olesya received about 6 thousand guests.


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