
What do business travelers want from hotels?

According to Travelport's Business Traveler & Travel Policy survey, 57 percent of company employees surveyed said their business travel budget is larger in 2018 than it was in 2017. New research provides insight into what these travelers want from their stays. at the hotel.

The survey was conducted among business travelers aged 22 to 37 (57 percent), with another 28% coming from people aged 38 to 53 and 15% from people aged 54 to 72.

In turn, a recent study commissioned by Hilton Hotels & Resorts showed that Many company employees are ready to spend their personal money on various services in hotels while traveling, in addition to what the company allocates for the business trip.

Companies certainly set budgets and pay travel expenses, but this not always enough for modern business travelers.

Thus, the majority of respondents participating in the Travelport study (52%) stated that they are willing to pay extra for an upgraded room.

When it comes to good hotel Wi-Fi, more than half of respondents intend to pay out of pocket for a higher level of service.

Another important trend is The desire of tourists (72%) to receive personalized messages during their stay at the hotel.

Expanding the format of business trips — is one of the main trends and it will only intensify in the near future.

According to research by Hilton Hotels & Resorts, 69% of business travelers surveyed want to extend their business trips into personal vacations.

Meanwhile, this has not yet taken root in the mentality of hotel guests.. Many (44%) worry that leisure combined with work will make them look bad in the eyes of management and 46% state that they feel guilty in front of their co-workers.


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