Even in the second half of August, the Turkish destination continues to lead in sales of the retail network of travel agencies “1001 Tour” of the Travel Business Service group of companies.
Tours to Turkey are in great demand among travel agency clients. The share of sales for this destination is still slightly increased and reached 50.3%. Our tourists are ready to pay about 100,000 rubles for a vacation on the coast of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. It is interesting that the average bill, compared even with the beginning of the month, decreased by about 8,000 rubles.
Tunisia remains the second most popular country for summer vacations. Almost every tenth client of "1001 Tour" chooses the country's resorts. The average check for travel packages has decreased and is 89,000 rubles.
Third and fourth place are shared between Cyprus and Greece. The struggle between them continues throughout the summer. The advantage last week was with Crete, tours are bought for an average of 103,000 rubles. Demand for Greece has decreased by approximately 40%. Now Russians do not pay more than 101,600 rubles for trips to Crete and Chalkidiki. Although at the beginning of August, "packages" were bought for 132,000 rubles and more.
Traditionally, Russia is in fifth place. Our country has not risen higher this season. The average bill also remains stable - 50,125 rubles.
The second five included Spain, Thailand, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Italy. Interestingly, traditionally winter destinations overtook Italy, which was popular at the beginning of summer. The country's popularity began to wane around the second half of July.
Interestingly, traditional summer destinations, including Abkhazia, Bulgaria and Montenegro, despite the opinion of experts, remained outsiders this summer. The share of all three in the total sales volume is about 3%. At the same time, the average bill for Bulgaria is one of the lowest - 54,200 rubles. Montenegro "packages" are slightly more expensive - 86,430 rubles. Abkhazia was previously sold quite cheaply - 51,300 rubles.
The most expensive tour last week was to Turkey. 10 nights from September 4 at the Rixos Sungate 5* hotel with an all-inclusive service system cost the couple 620,300 rubles. And the cheapest "Package" was purchased to Anapa. Two adults with a child went to the Maria 3* hotel from August 23 for a week for 33,800 rubles.
Source: news.turizm.ru