Tour operator Intravel Stoleshniki announced the suspension of operations. According to the company, all tourists who are currently on vacation have return tickets, their accommodation is fully paid. Moreover, many tourists will be able to fly away on vacation in the coming days, all the rest will be able to take advantage of insurance payments.
"We are forced to make the most difficult decision in our long history and, in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 132 and guided by the interests of tourists, we publicly announce the termination of the tour operator activities of Intravel Stoleshniki. Together with you, we have overcome many crises, we have always fought to the end, changing the strategy and formats of the company's work, which has always led us to success. At the moment, in the harsh conditions of the negative information field in our market, we have been trying for almost 2 months to attract investments, negotiate with partners, but, alas, we could not find a way out of the current situation. For many years, we have honestly fulfilled our obligations and sent a huge number of tourists, so it is very painful for us that we will be the reason that someone's tours cannot take place. We thank everyone who can understand us, we apologize to everyone else and assure you that we will do everything possible to help compensate for your financial losses," the operator said in a statement.
All registered tourists are insured by four insurance companies: SAO Yakor for 20 million rubles, SK Investstrakh for 30 million rubles, AO SK Armeets for 20 million rubles, OOO SK Ekip for 10 million rubles.
"The insurance coverage will be sufficient for full payment for those tours that will not take place. We are starting to prepare documents for all completed tours to submit registers to insurance companies. For questions about receiving insurance compensation, tourists should contact insurance companies. Our office will be open and if you have questions about documents for insurance companies, we will be able to provide full information. You can also send requests to," the company added.
Intravel Stoleshniki has been operating on the market for over 20 years.