
How do Russian tourists react to the conflict between Syria and Israel?

Syria says it is ready to launch missile strike on airport in case of repeated Israeli air strikes Tel Aviv. This statement was made by Syria's representative to the UN, Bashar Jaafari. At the same time, the media have already expressed concerns that such a formulation of the issue could have an extremely negative impact on the Israeli tourism sector.



"The time has come for the [Security] Council to take the necessary measures to stop the regular Israeli attacks on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. Or should we attract the attention of the Council by exercising our legitimate right to defend ourselves and responding to the Israeli attack on the civilian international airport of Damascus with a similar attack on the airport of Tel Aviv?" he said, TASS reports.

Earlier it became known that Syrian air defense systems repelled an Israeli air raid in the south of the country.

Against this backdrop, experts have already expressed the opinion that due to the escalation of the conflict between the countries, foreign travelers may refuse to travel to Israel.

However, as tour operators note, our compatriots are not canceling their trips at the moment. “There is no particular reaction (to what is happening, editor’s note) from tourists. There are no cancellations of trips. The host party is working as usual,” Anna Filatovskaya, PR director of ICS Travel Group, explained to the TRN portal.

"The contact center of the tour operator Intourist has not recorded any requests today from either agencies or tourists to cancel tours in this direction. Our partners in Israel have not received any warnings or restrictions either. The State of Israel is a stable all-season destination, and we hope that the situation will not affect the volume of tourist flow to Israel," said Sergey Tolchin, executive director of the tour operator Intourist.


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